Oberlin Filter's OLIMIN8R®
Automatic Coolant Filtration for a CNC Machine Sump

Increase CNC Machine Uptime and Save Thousands Annually!
The OLIMIN8R is an automatic pressure filter that removes the chips and fines that bypass the chip conveyor during the CNC Machining process. It can be connected to any existing CNC Machine sump with a tank height of 27” or less and coolant volume up to 400 gallons. The OLIMIN8R captures the dirty coolant as it exits the chip conveyor, removes the solids and delivers the clean coolant where most important – near the clean pumps.
It removes the chips and fines before they have a chance to settle onto the bottom of the CNC Machine sump, preventing the larger solids from piling up in the machine sump – creating a chip dam. This reduces sump clean outs and eliminates coolant
More Benefits of CNC Sump Filtration with The OLIMIN8R
The OLIMIN8R removes the fine solids that plug coolant ports and shut down your CNC Machine. The OLIMIN8R can greatly increase machine uptime providing great savings. You’re not making parts or money while your CNC machine is down for cleaning. For every hour spent moving chip conveyors, shoveling out machine sumps and cleaning coolant ports, you’re losing production time that can translate into hundreds, maybe even thousands of pounds.
The OLIMIN8R will provide increased production time and prolonged tool life. It greatly extends the life of the coolant so it doesn’t have to be discarded prematurely - greatly reducing waste disposal costs and labour hours. The OLIMIN8R turns dirty coolant into clean coolant and leaves you with only the dry solids to dispose of.
Common Problems Eliminated
Frequent Sump Cleaning
Coolant Port Plugging
Chip Dam / Coolant Overflow
Chip Dam / Coolant Foaming
Plugged Pump Screen / Coolant Foaming
Plugged Drum Screen / Coolant Foaming
Operation of the OLIMIN8R
The OLIMIN8R is fully automatic and uses inexpensive filter paper. No more filter bags to change, or magnetic separators or sludge boxes to clean. The OLIMIN8R is a fully automatic pressure filter, with a small footprint, that is easy to install and operate. It comes complete with everything required to connect it to the CNC Machine sump. Locate the OLIMIN8R and pump, connect the hoses and utilities and push the start button. The OLIMIN8R itself comes fully assembled.

Dry filtered solids automatically discharge into a bin within the OLIMIN8R. To remove solids, the OLIMIN8R's front cover easily slides up and off. The solids are in a bin that comes out on a wheeled cart.
Coolant Filtration for Many Machining Applications and Materials
The OLIMIN8R is designed to filter contaminants from a variety of industrial applications and machining operations.
Coolant Types:
Full Synthetic
Straight oils
Carbon Fiber
Cast Iron
Stainless Steel
Get a Free Estimate
Start Saving thousands! Get a free estimate on an OLIMIN8R in a matter of minutes. Want to talk to our Oberlin team instead? Call 44 (0) 1325 317900.
More OLIMIN8R Resources
Below are additional resources on the OLIMIN8R.