Oberlin Filter USA manufacturing headquarters in Waukesha, WI
About Oberlin Filter
For over 50 years, Oberlin Filter Company has been guided by the principle: make filters that really work. We have an excellent group of experienced engineers, salesmen, designers, welders, plumbers, electricians, servicemen, and laboratory technicians. We work with our customers to determine the best system for their application, build it ourselves, help start it and provide support throughout its lifetime. There are Oberlin filters that have been operating continuously for over 40 years.
Established, Accountable & Family Owned
We are a family owned and operated business. Three generations of our family have worked hard to build filters and treatment systems that are dependable, reliable and get the job done. Our founder, Wayne Oberlin, started Oberlin Filter by making one filter at a time. His son, Tom Oberlin, developed and expanded our filtration technology making Oberlin Filter a global leader in liquid solid separation. This attention to detail and tenacity of spirit has enabled Oberlin Filter to grow into an international company.
English Operations
Oberlin Filter Ltd.
Oberlin Filter Ltd. was founded in 1999 to further develop our market in the United Kingdom, Ireland and throughout Europe including the Netherlands, Belgium and France.
Innovative Intelligence
We are an engineering company. Our engineers are your project managers and are responsible to you for the filter’s satisfactory operation. They supervise your order from initial design stage, through production and startup. They are always available for support.
Adaptable Technology
We have built a sound reputation for bespoke automatic filtration equipment for water or coolant applications in the fields of Aerospace, Medical, Rotor and Gear Grinding and Automotive. Additionally fields include surface treatment, Zinc Phosphates and hot frying oils.
An important, consistent and growing part of our business is media supply. We supply into all the above plus other engineering/manufacturing disciplines: bearings, blades/knives, gears etc.
We have a global presence. Our USA manufacturing headquarters is in Waukesha, WI. We also have an additional manufacturing plant in Germany that provide sales, design, manufacturing and service support throughout Europe. We have service agents placed throughout the world. There are Oberlin pressure filters operating in over 30 countries throughout the world.

Oberlin Filter Ltd. has expanded!
We have doubled our production capacity in last five years and hit max capacity of current premises.
Our new premises:
More than double the floor space of current premises (10,500 sq. ft./1000M2)
Streamlined for double production runs
Oberlin Filter Ltd.

Front Row – Matthew Worsley (Service Engineer) Gillian Shevels ( Company Secretary) Mike Johnson (Sales and Admin Director) Shaun House ( Electrical Production) Jaine Whitty
(Administration and Marketing Assistant)
Back row from left to right – Scott Laverick (Technical Sales Engineer) Chris Hancock (Project Engineer) Mark Blewitt (Engineering Director) Jon Foster ( Production Manager) Ged Boyle (Production)
Partial List of Oberlin Filter Customers